Saturday, July 12, 2008

In Response to Marie

Hello Marie,

Thank you for dropping by to read through my blog. I was a bit surprised, though, about your comments. But here is to share with you and my readers my thoughts and beliefs in response to your comment.

It is not important to me whether the God I believe in is a male or a female nor do I need to determine what name should I use to refer to Him. What is important is that I know God is the beginning and the end of all things.

To what shall you base TRUTH? There has to be something that will give support to its meaning. How about LOVE? A lot of times it can only be likened to something that can be grasped by our mind and still cannot be explained fully. JUSTICE is what allows people to live in harmony with one another. A person's FREEDOM is the most important state one would want to have. HOPE is what we have when we don't have what we seek. PEACE is a state that makes us be settled or satisfied amidst all chaos.

These very things you subscribe to are the very things that makes God a significant being for me. I cannot determine somebody to be the origin of these things except God who is the Prime Mover of all things.

If I do believe in God, does that mean my life and my future is determined by Him and on what He has planned for my life? If this was so, then it will not matter whether I do good or evil. Whatever act I shall make now will not have an effect on my future since it has already been determined by God. I will still receive either a blessing or a curse. But this is not what I believe in. What I do believe is that God has planned good things for my life. I just need to decide whether to receive these things by believing in Him or choose otherwise.

Indeed, logic can explain that whatever we do now will determine our future. I can believe this and still believe in God. It is God who provide meaning to my goals. I can conquer the whole world and yet find myself empty and at a loss. But with God, I realize the significance of the things I do in this life: that this life of mine is meant to be shared with others and lived for His glory. That is why I do the things I do, I believe the things I believe, I share the things I have. With that said, I think I am already following my Mind, Heart, and Soul.

I used to be the Master of my Fate and the Captain of my Soul, but all these I gave up to glorify the One who is my true Master and Captain. For in Him do I live, I move and have my being and found significant meaning in my life. TRUTH, LOVE, FREEDOM, HOPE, PEACE... They became the fruit of what I do and believe. I know more of these good things will come. But I don't think I received JUSTICE. If I did, I would've received punishment rather than all these good things. Isn't our God great? He is!

May He be glorified forever!